The Fragrance of Ocean.

A scented candle perfumes this space;
Filling the emptiness of silence,
Save for the gentle hum in the distance.
I trace with my mind
The countless days when it wasn’t so…
It’s peaceful, really.
Tinged at times with a melancholy
Accompanying this dull, buzzing sound.
Just as the wick will burn out anytime now,
This silence too, will go away.
Shall my nostrils taste this sweet aroma again,
I hope to remember well
That gentle purr that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

Two Faces

Two faces look to You

One bearing the joy of all that is to come

The other the burden of what must be left behind

Out of the the abundance of this heart

they both speak

Seeking Your will be done.

As hands reach out to Grab the future,

Help them to

let go of all the hinders.

May feet be drawn to walk in Your ways,

And never turn aside

to run away.

May these lungs inhale

All that You are

And exhale what

is no longer needful.

May every heartbeat


to circulate

The promises and precepts You have Spoken.

Till faces

no longer be masks

And my eyes

see You

clear as day.

[Photo credit to]

Dark Clouds

Dark clouds bring with them a heaviness;
Stifling humidity that chokes rays of sunlight
Threatening to burst into waterworks without warning.
You shelter when the storms beckon,
Enduring diligently for rain’s reprieve
bucketing the leaks to cover your bases
lest all your precious things get ruined.
Dark skies cloud your judgement.
Silver tongued plumes that birth unease.
Sieving the optimism of the day to leave glum residue,
and chiseling the edges of a smooth, polished constitution.
They burst
and fall
and pour
and pour
flooding streets, filling banks, washing all away
poking holes in the security of your home.
But eventually
They come to an end.
Grey skies, weighty but waning,
The sun will shine again.

Photo Credit by


Wrap me in your roses love,

For your embrace is ever dear.

An aroma of home in a bed of beauty

For butterflies to dance evermore,

Like the ones inside my bosom.

Wrap me in your roses love,

For you warm my world with them.

On coldest days they are a fireplace,

Where passion burns ever brightly,

Glistening in your eyes.

Wrap me in your roses love,

Even when they sting.

They may hurt at times,

But together we look so beautiful,

And blossom beyond our pain.

Wrap me in your roses love,

For I want none other but yours.

You were made uniquely and wonderfully,

Arrayed like none other.

You are a garden I cherish.

My Spirit is attractive

My spirit is attractive
and no, I don’t mean it’s pretty.
It attracts energy; kleptomaniac for subtle meanings behind words and actions
of my life’s almanac, all to subtly distract my mind from the intent of it all.
An unseen attack, the bandit of my 26 year old adventure,
The anchor in my grand caper that weighs down the paper of my self esteem because
While I remain unbothered, my spirit bothers me.
Since infancy, it has weaved insecurities based on evidences
of perhaps and maybes
All inclusive to the inconclusive notions of my worthiness.
A fete of regrets, revelrous distress that says I am repulsive
Cooler filled with intoxicating beverages that dull my judgement
And leave me dancing to the music of my maladies.
My spirit is attractive
And unless I address the conflict between my truth and what’s true
It will forever digress to the former.
A divisive demeanor that says that my happiness
Will always have a denominator of stress that leads me
To become only a fraction of the man I’m meant to be
Until I learn to stand up for myself,
The mess of of negativity will always overwhelm my kind, gentle heart.
Quite frankly,
I’m still working on it. I’m still learning.

Swan dive

I make a swan dive off the cliff

Ever plummeting

Winds trumpeting over my ears,

Clapping my eyelids,

Buffeting as gravity spurs me on.

I brace for impact,

But never seem to hit the water.


Seven is a number of completion;
And I get that.
Not that it is finished,
But simply the fact
That the summation of my desires have been found.
It’s exact.
The gem of who you are in contact with my needs.
Without hesitation I sold the treasure of my insecurities
And expectations,
Just to buy the plot to get to you.
A gem so precious;
Hardened by pressures beyond my imagination.
Miraculously compressed and condensed Carbon clusters
That radiate Christ’s love uniquely.
A gem blindingly beautiful, beyond anything I’ve beheld,
Eyes locked in at the heart’s behest.
I could hardly believe them, but they speak no lies;
They have seen none superior.
A gem so pristine and pure; perforated by the light of the sun;
Incandescent as you shine for His glory;
Crystalline as you open up to me,
And clear about the way you feel.
A gem that’s here to stay
Beyond flashy words and frivolous airs
that has been tested and found to be innately true.
A gem that I value
More than earthly powers and possessions,
Because they have all proven to be less than adequate.
A gem to call my own,
And in due time to claim for myself.
Seven times, this gem has beckoned to me.